Here is the lastest installment in Bethenney Frankel's Blog on
Brian Doben
Thanks to Bethenny Frankel — best-selling author, creator of the Skinnygirl Margarita and star of both
The Real Housewives of New York City and
Bethenny Getting Married? — for sharing the highs and lows of motherhood with us this month.
In her final blog for PEOPLE Moms & Babies, the reality star – who is mom to 11-week-old daughter Bryn Casey with husband Jason Hoppy – tells us what she’s learned in her first few months as a parent.
Click below to read Bethenny’s last blog!
Hey PEOPLE people!
Thanks so much for taking the time to read about the daily moments in my life. Marriage and motherhood have been such incredible gifts that it has been so easy to share with you. Plus, I learn so much from your questions, comments and opinions and value every minute of it all.
Truthfully, Jason and I had absolutely no clue about what to do with our daughter Bryn when we brought her home. The baby nurse was a godsend because she really taught us everything we needed to know.
Every day there are new things to learn, but the “Dos and Don’ts” have changed since we were babies, i.e. putting a baby on their stomach and safety pins in diapers. Still, for all you new moms, here are a few lessons I did learn…
THE ESSENTIALS: At first Bryn’s nursery was bare, but little did I know that a baby could sleep in a shoebox if necessary. They do nothing but poop and sleep! So a bassinet was all we needed at first. (You don’t need a crib for several weeks.) Eventually, the nursery was all put together and is so beautiful (thanks to Bellini — they were so helpful!!).
The only essential thing a new parent needs is a place to change the baby’s diapers. We used a shelf to change her for a few weeks. Don’t stress on that.
BREASTFEEDING: Bryn now sleeps for 4-hour intervals (6 if we’re lucky), and I have been breastfeeding. That has been the greatest challenge and reward. It is something you don’t have to be extreme about and don’t need to be pressured about either. However, it’s very healthy and a gift that only you can give your baby. I would have regretted not doing it.
PETS: The idea of integrating our dog Cookie into Bryn’s life and vice versa was overwhelming and anxiety-producing even just to think about. I had a feeling Cookie would be good about it, and indeed she has been great. She has been so calm and gentle with Bryn. However, she has been hyper vigilant with everyone else though, which presents a new problem. It never ends does it?
All in all, I’ve never been happier. Jason and I love our little family and are grateful for that every day. It really made us the people we were meant to be yet didn’t know we could be.
– Bethenny Frankel
Make sure you follow me on Twitter
@Bethenny, check out my site and tune into my new show on Bravo, Bethenny Getting Married? Thursdays at 10 p.m.
I swear she really has some good things to say. I think that when someone has a child their whole way of thinking changes.
Happy Planning,